Please contact your account manager, if your question is not resolved by the FAQ.

Click on a question to see the full answer.
After searching the products in the online shop, add them to your shopping cart, check them out, verify the Shipping Address, and submit your order. Our Team will take care of your order afterwards.

First Step: Choose the items and add them to your cart

Check your cart
Please note that the items that are not in stock will move to your backorders. Items that are open for preorder will move to your preorders. Items from both lists will be added to your next order as soon as they are available.
For the prepayment method, please wait until you get an email from your account manager or the support team that the prepayment invoice has been issued.

Please use your invoice number as a bank transfer reference, so that our bookkeeping team can easily relate to your payment immediately.

To proceed with the payment of your invoice, please use the following bank details:

ADC Blackfire Entertainment GmbH
Bank: Commerzbank
Bank Code: 36040039
Account Number: 120672101
IBAN: DE62360400390120672101
For shipping terms, please click the following link:
Check your orders within your account page or by following this link: www.blackfire.eu/en-gb/profile/orders/

If you need essential extra support, changes or information contact your Account Manager.
Check your Invoices within your account page or by following this link: www.blackfire.eu/en-gb/profile/invoices/
If you would like to claim damages to products or packaging, please report the claim on the following link https://claim.blackfire.eu/ and fill out the form appropriately; then, our claims department can assist you.
If you want more information about the Organized Play in Blackfire, visit the following link www.blackfire.eu/en-gb/organized-play.

If you got any questions, please don‘t hesitate to contact our Organized Play Team per mail at op@blackfire.eu.
Due to the nature of our business (B2B) and the fact that we have customers from all over the world with different VAT systems, our prices are listed as net-prices.

For shipping within Germany, the individual VAT will be added later in the invoicing process.

Once you log in with your password, the prices you read on the website are the final prices with all the global and selected discounts applied.
Please wait until your products appear in an invoice; afterward, you can settle the invoice.
Once preordered items are available, new orders are issued or the products are added to available open orders.

We will contact you in advance if your order is lower than the minimum order value or for prepayment invoices.
To be able to consider you as a potential customer, we set a minimum turnover of 10.000€ after 12 months.
If you do not reach this goal at the end of the 12 months after activation, we will have to refrain from cooperation.