Lux Aeterna - EN

Articolo nr. 62780 | Product No. LUX101
Release date: 30/06/2021
“Mayday! Mayday! Can anybody hear me? Please answer! I am caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole. Can you hear me...please? This is the Lux Aeterna spaceship! Mayday Mayday! I transmit my coordinates. We were on course past NGC 1277 when a meteor hit. There was a bang...all systems are
Questo prodotto non può essere ordinato al momento
“Mayday! Mayday! Can anybody hear me? Please answer! I am
caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole. Can you hear
me...please? This is the Lux Aeterna spaceship! Mayday Mayday!
I transmit my coordinates. We were on course past NGC 1277
when a meteor hit. There was a bang...all systems are red.
We are falling. We are falling towards the event horizon! Can
anybody help me? Can you hear me?”
Your challenge in Lux Aeterna is to draw and play all of the cards
in the main deck, one turn after another, without the spaceship
collapsing completely or falling into the black hole. Cards have
multiple functions; you will assign drawn cards to one each of
these functions each turn:
- As damage to a system (with six systems available to you);
- As an action to help stay alive/fix the ship; or,
- As movement toward the black hole.
If a ship’s system collapses, the game will get harder for you; if
you should repair a system, then you just might avoid the ultimate
Herstellernummer LUX101
GTIN 850000576278
Language english
License Capstone Games