Tsume Arts - Harry Potter - Lord Voldemart Ikigai

No. d'article 99829
Release date: 31/08/2024
Pre-order deadline: 07/06/2023
Epic: This statue represents Lord Voldemort during the final fight against Harry Potter in the Battle of Hogwarts. The Dark Lord about to cast the Killing curse. Iconic: The clash between light and darkness. We wanted to represent Lord Voldemort's darkest side. The hatred on his face, his snake
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Epic: This statue represents Lord Voldemort during the final fight against Harry Potter in the Battle of Hogwarts. The Dark Lord about to cast the Killing curse.

Iconic: The clash between light and darkness. We wanted to represent Lord Voldemort's darkest side. The hatred on his face, his snake "Nagini" accompanying him, ready to attack and the Avada Kedavra Spell materialized in a green transparent resin, being the color of the Slytherin House.

New: We are proud to announce the arrival of the Harry Potter's license in our catalog. Join us on this new adventure, where magic meets art, and let your Harry Potter's passion blossom within your Tsume's collection.

Artistic Direction  / At concept / Paint : Tsume Team & René Goes

Language no Language
Case 1
License Harry Potter
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